Персонал Одеса: резюме та пошук співробітників в Одесі, працевлаштування та розміщення вакансій. Знайти співробітників в Одесі швидко, шукаю резюме в місті Одеса.

Ви працюєте менеджером по підбору персоналу? Значить вам відомо, як складно знайти персонал в Одесі. Кого шукати - фахівців з мінімальним досвідом роботи або віддати перевагу фахівцям з відмінним резюме? Звертати увагу на резюме з низьким рівнем зарплати Або потрібен персонал в Одесі, але з високим окладом? Питань багато, тому ласкаво просимо на портал, орієнтований на пошук резюме і співробітників, а також розміщення вакансії в Одесі!

Резюме: Переводчик английского (Одеса)

  • Дата додавання:
  • Зарплата:
  • Місто: Одеса
  • Досвід роботи: 0 рок. міc.
  • Графік роботи:
  • Стать: женский

Досвід роботи

    <p>Given Name: Lyudmyla </p>
    <p>Surname: Kashlakova </p>
    <p>Nationality: Ukrainian</p>
    <p>Address: Mala Danylivka, Naukova str. 57</p>
    <p>Kharkiv, Ukraine </p>
    <p>Legal status: unmarried<br /></p>
    <p>Gender: female</p>
    <p><br /></p>
    <p>Personal statement: I am a highly motivated person with a professional attitude towards employment. I am hard-working, reliable, capable and goal-oriented. Problem-solving motivates me to learn. Flexible with an eye for details.</p>
    <p>Seeking growth in my career, hoping to change the work environment and possibly gain training working with a new group of people and experience some diversity. Willing to increase the level of personal professionalism to make the contribution in the development of the company.</p>
    <p><br /></p>
    <p><br /></p>
    <p>Date, Job, Position, Function</p>
    <p>09.09.1996 – 27.07.1998</p>
    <p>Name and address of employer: Kahovskyi MPMTO</p>
    <p>-cash Management, </p>
    <p>-document control </p>
    <p>-analytical reports for managers</p>
    <p>27.08.1998 – 01.02.1999</p>
    <p>Name and address of employer: Private sale company "Vlata"</p>
    <p> -cash operations</p>
    <p>-work with cash register, terminal, scanner, card reader, etc. </p>
    <p>-preparation of cash reporting, including the cash book, </p>
    <p>-hold the collection,</p>
    <p>-taking, management, withdrawal, storage of the cash,</p>
    <p>stocktaking, performing a revaluation, acceptance of goods</p>
    <p>01.03.1999 – 28.02.2000</p>
    <p>Name and address of employer: election, president house, Kyiv, Ukraine</p>
    <p>Office manager</p>
    <p>-reception and distribution of telephone calls, faxes and emails, </p>
    <p>-collection and consolidation of information on requests executives </p>
    <p>-reception and distribution of mail, </p>
    <p>-preparation offices for negotiate, </p>
    <p>-maintenance of offices of household and stationery supplies, observance of standards and rules of administrative resource's consumption of the company. </p>
    <p>Accounting of the office expenses</p>
    <p>01.03.2000 – 27.07.2001</p>
    <p>Name and address of employer: Advertisement company "ART-ERIA", Kyiv, Ukraine</p>
    <p>- planning and controlling advertisement on TV,</p>
    <p>- communication with costumers.</p>
    <p>- arrangement of contracts and bring videotapes to TV office.</p>
    <p>Name and address of employer: election, Parliament, Kyiv, Ukraine</p>
    <p>-planning and control the time for advertisement video on TV,</p>
    <p>- flight attendants also perform duties to make the flying experience more comfortable for passengers conduction.</p>
    <p>01.12.2006 – 28.12.2006</p>
    <p>Name and address of employer: JET Burkina Air</p>
    <p>Flight Attendant trainee</p>
    <p>-supporting the passenger's comfort during the flight; </p>
    <p>-cleaning of the aircraft; </p>
    <p>-work with catering service </p>
    <p>providing aircraft all the necessary </p>
    <p>01.06.2007 – 25.03.2008</p>
    <p>Name and address of employer: Le Meridien Amman Hotel*****</p>
    <p>waitress / steak&amp;lounge restaurant 282</p>
    <p>-table setting in accordance with established standards. </p>
    <p>-knowledge of the menu and studying the changes in the menu, knowledge of the basic and seasonal dishes and drinks offered to guest. </p>
    <p>- consulting the guests of the restaurant about the features of the dishes and drinks. </p>
    <p>- plate and drinks service according to the rules of service.</p>
    <p>Name and address of employer: Royal Jordanian<br /></p>
    <p>-responsible for comfort and passenger’s safety on short, medium and long flights.</p>
    <p>-trained in aircraft safety on Embraer 175, 195 family, Airbus 319, 320, 321, 310, 330 and 340 fleets, Boeing 787 Dreamliner </p>
    <p>-advising passengers of safety routine and enforcing in regulations in professional way</p>
    <p>-familiar with aircraft design and emergency procedures involving evacuations, crash landings, severe turbulence, first aid</p>
    <p>-Economy Class service since March 2008 -galley operations and cabin service on all type of flights</p>
    <p>-Crown Class - First and business service since March 2009 - galley operations, cockpit safety and service procedures, cabin service on all types of flights</p>
    <p>-before each flight, attendants must check all emergency equipment, the public address system, food and beverage supplies, and all passenger amenities.</p>
    <p>-flight attendants also perform duties to make the flying experience more comfortable for passengers.</p>
    <p><br /></p>
    <p><br /></p>
    <p>Educational institution</p>
    <p>graduated at Professional Technology college, Ukraine “Accountant and PC operation” section.</p>
    <p>2000 – 2007</p>
    <p>graduated from University of Kyiv, International Science and Technology University (ISTU) Management and marketing</p>
    <p><br /></p>
    <p>Personal skills and competences:</p>
    <p><br /></p>
    <p>Mother tongue: Ukrainian, Russian </p>
    <p>Indicate level: reading writing verbal </p>
    <p>Other languages: </p>
    <p>English advanced medium advanced </p>
    <p>Ukrainian advanced advanced advanced</p>
    <p>Russian advanced advanced advanced</p>
    <p>Social skills and competences:</p>
    <p>Can work both as part of a team or independently to achieve good results;</p>
    <p>Good communication skills;</p>
    <p>Sociable and communicative person, eager for learning new things;</p>
    <p>Good problem-solving skills;</p>
    <p>Good time management skills;</p>
    <p>Optimism, responsibility, charm and quick adaption in new group</p>
    <p><br /></p>
    <p>Additional skills: </p>
    <p><br /></p>
    <p> Excellent communication and telephone skills developed through wide experience and travels to many countries. Ability to integrate and work effectively within multinational teams. Excellent organizational and negotiating skills. Ability to communicate tactfully with group representative, department heads and shipboard employees to resolve problems and negotiate resolutions. Experience in field of handling medium and large groups of passengers and hotel guests. Proven customers skills. Ability to utilize customer service skills by exercising authority and discretion to satisfy guests. Ability to conduct meetings efficiently and in a timely manner.</p>
    <p>Personal data: Height - 170 Sm., Weight - 60 kg., Blue eyes and dark blond hair.</p>

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